Thursday, February 3, 2011
With all the snow - everythings WHITE!
Wow - what a pic Jude got of this white deer. I have never seen or even heard of white deer. I know white horses are extremely rare. Grey or Roan horses look white from afar , but up close you can see two color hair. A grey has black and white and a roan had red and white. But pure white horses are rare. There is one farm that has started to produce them regularly , but they rarely make it to the races.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Weather stuck?
Incredible weather is being experienced all over the globe currently and the Weather Channel just showed 'how the weather is stuck', but have no clue why. The snow is being measured in FEET in California, huge snow storms in Europe, and freezing temps in Florida in December. Seems crazy huh?
I know why. The 'flow of tides' that keep the jet stream moving were destroyed by the oil spill and the ONE company in control of the spill, the clean-up , and the selling of inflated oil and gas to heat your homes - Halliburton.This company is extremely close to our crooked government as many ex-presidents have big shares in this company.
Go to YouTube (via internet) and put in - Jesse Ventura , Conspiracy Theory, Season 2 - Oil spill , and watch the episode on how all this is in plain sight. They created the oil spill , then purchased the Largest Oil Spill clean-up company a mere 5 days PRIOR to the oil spill!! The show also showed that they have disrupted the 'flow of tides' because they 'sunk the oil' rather than clean it up. Without this 'flow of tides' , our weather is now 'stuck', and we are gonna be in for a hell a a winter. This is crazy how ONE COMPANY is the cause of this!!
Watch the show! It explains why the weather has gone crazy.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Sgt Sheena Adams
I just found this picture , well I guess it moved me. To see her blowing a bubble with these kids shows me tremendous courage, self assurance, and bravery. I mean she is in the middle of some shitty third world country 'defending our country' - but she acts like she's playing in any average neighborhood here in the US, except for the gun.
Sergeant Sheena Adams - you are my hero and also my inspiration. Please make it home safe.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Jack's on Discovery Channel
Monday, June 7, 2010
Jack's Boo Boo

Notice his rear right paw - its got a mini cast! Well mini for me! Its up to his knee so its a lot bigger than the one I put on yesterday.
Sunday it was raining so I was home not golfing. I got up at some point to get more coffee and saw bloody paw prints everywhere on the carpet. He tore a chuck off of his pad on that foot. He must have run full speed over a piece of glass. I cleaned it up and wrapped it up. It doesn't bother him in the least, he wants to chase squirrels still. He is going back to the Vet on Friday to take off the new bandage. He ate up his meds without even knowing. He'll be full speed again soon.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Sunday, May 16, 2010

My boy was with me yesterday at my meeting so I took him for a walk near this pond. A stupid barking dog was distracting him.
Thanks for the B-Day wishes - it only took 41 years for someone to have a 'party' for me nonetheless the six people who sent wishes along. Wish the weekend was better - but it sucks, not having the least bit of fun. But just another fun day I get to trudge through. Yippy.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mother's Day
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Derby Day!

He wouldn't let me leave this morning for golf. I got out the door into the truck and looked up to see his face in the window. So I got back out and the little face disappeared. Then I heard these glorious little barks - whoo whoo whoo ... He was so excited I came back to get him - then ran right over to his truck door and couldn't wait to get in for the ride .... Being Derby Day I was only playing 9 holes anyway - so it worked out just fine....
He plays with this toy every night. He came with one just like it -and the little dog next door destroyed it - so this one will be just fine ... We played with the toy at Pete's house, but I have so much more yard space now to play with him.
Well I stand corrected, Jack plays with me.
Sunday, April 25, 2010

I take pictures of flowers all the time and have been doing it for years. I have an eye for beauty. I take most of these pictures to send to Nikki - she gets them on her Blackberry. She is going through such a tough time still - her fight is taking a toll on her health. I do what I can to add smiles to her day from afar. So if I see a different flower in my travels, I will stop and take a pic for a 'future smile'.
Since is now Jacks blog - he loves Nikki too , she is a dog lover for sure. She put her kids dog down last year after 10 years with it. She will go to the truck to see Jack anytime he is at a meeting with me.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Jack goes to the park

This is the Dog Park in Saratoga - which may close because of these Karner Blue Butterflies.
The butterflies live for less than 14 days and are gone till the next year. But they want to close this park for the butterfly. Silly.
But Jack loves to sniff around here. There are trails to walk and plenty of trees and bushes for Jackson to explore.
I want to open my own dog park with a cafe, a pet shop, a doggie day care, and trails and space to run.
The Bone Yard - Cafe & Dog Park ...
Friday, April 16, 2010
Jack goes to Columbia County

This is where Jack gets to stretch his legs when I go to Ginsbergs' Food service. The Catskill Mountains are in the background. This field is across the street and when I'm done with my business - he gets to do his! This field grows so high, I lost him for 10 minutes last year as he hopped into the brush.
Jack got to meet Suzanne Thursday too, she is the person in charge of Ginsbergs daily operation, she is also a very nice and understanding person with a dog she loves to walk and spend time with everyday. She spent time getting to know Jack that morning. The girls in the Cash n Carry store all love when Jack is there. He's been in the store a few times to say hello!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Mom & Aunt Debb
.I've always wondered the same thing ... how in the world did the Hall of Fame end up in Cooperstown, NY???
Love the shots of Jackson ... keep them coming!
Mom said -
Hey John
I like the reflection in your car door too!
Jackson is leading the 'life of Riley'!!!!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
A first for Jack and me

Yep - Jackson and I traveled to Cooperstown, NY for the first time. Wow, don't blink huh? How did the Hall of Fame find this small town? I saw a plantation that looked like it was founded by August Busch - founder of Busch Beer ... This is the stadium where they play the Hall of Fame game every year. Jack seems unimpressed. lol. Was that a squirrel over there?
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
at the KeyImpact office ...

Its always fun for Jack at my office. The girls inside love when I bring him inside for a visit. Sue loves to get him going! He barks and jumps around till its back outside to rest in the truck. They want to make him our mascot and have a KI Sales blanket to drape over his side. My boss gave me a months heads up for an overnight - just so I had time to make plans for Jack.
Another day of travels ...
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Sunday afternoon
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Oil change ...
Friday, February 26, 2010
A sure thing with help from an Angel
Mr Hutt mentioned this horse to me when he wrote a comment on the blog , now that I know the story - bet as much as you want Saturday - this filly is a stone cold winner - Joyce's Angel.
From The BloodHorse -
“When we bought Uptowncharlybrown, nobody hyped him up or said anything to us,” said Hutt. “We just liked the way he moved, with the beautiful long stride that he shows now. We look for the athlete with the least conformation flaws. Pedigree is last, because we can’t afford expensive racehorses. That’s been the secret to our success.”
Hutt explained how at the same sale, FLS also bought a filly they later named Joyce’s Angel, after a little girl from Holland who succumbed to cancer last year. The girl was the daughter of a close friend of one of the FLS partners, said Hutt, who always lets his investors have input in the horses’ names.
Before Joyce’s untimely death last November, the FLS partners arranged for the girl and her family to travel to the United States, meet Joyce’s Angel, and also see superstar Rachel Alexandra defeat the boys in the Haskell Invitational (gr. I) at Monmouth Park.
“This little girl touched all of us…we thought we were doing her the favor, but it was the other way around,” said Hutt. “The partners just fell in love with her.”
Ironically, after Joyce died, Joyce’s Angel, a now 3-year-old daughter of Afleet Alex , began to excel beyond expectations in her training, posting multiple bullet workouts. “We got reports (from her trainers) that they didn’t know what had gotten into this horse, but she’s training as good as any horse we’ve ever had,” said Hutt. “She went down to Tampa, and (trainer) Alan Seewald will tell you that he doesn’t know which one is the better horse—Uptowncharlybrown or Joyce’s Angel.”You never know when you'll get 'touched by an angel'.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Happy Birthday Bill

Happy Birthday Weekend to Bill!
Although there's nothing like celebrating with a group around the dining room table singing Happy Birthday, Ellie makes us smile with her version.
She knew for a week what she wanted to get for Bill. She picked out a baseball, because she told me, "That's what he likes Mommy!"
Friday, February 19, 2010
Saturday, February 13, 2010
My man Double D
He was the last PGA golfer other than Tiger to be #1 - but it was 10 years ago. DD shot an unheard of 59 in a final round to win a tournament. He was on top of the world. DD was misunderstood. He was quiet. People didn't know him so they said his quietness was arrogance.
Then - he was gone. Disappeared from the Tour and the spotlight in general. What nobody knew was his personal life was in turmoil. He got divorced. It took DD many years to come back.
DD popped up at The US Open 2004 at Shinnacock. Nobody had seen him for years nonetheless had he played competitive golf and now his story came out. With all the bullshit - he lost his game. Since he was a major winner of the British Open - he was invited to play in the Open.
I went to the Open's to follow Phil. But i went out of my way to find DD during his opening round. After he teed off on the 18th - I was standing next to him and said - " go get um DD , its great to see you back - and don't worry you'll be back." He turned around and smiled at me. It wasn't until later that I and the world found out how much that moment touched DD.
DD was interviewed after his round , his first competitive round in many years , and he was over par. But DD said he had never played a round with so many people pulling for him. He said people all during his round were shouting out well wishes. Then DD said someone touched his soul after he teed off on the 18th hole and he cried. Well that was me. I have a way of touching peoples' lives with the smallest effort.
DD is one stroke off the lead at this weeks Pebble Beach Inv. He is just now finding his groove again. 2010 will be the year of DD.
Lets hope he wins this weekend.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
aunt debb said ...
The world isn't perfect, we can only try to do our best, help when and however we can, and try not to exclude any area because we don't like the way they do things. I'm not turning a blind eye to the travesties of Haiti (the cruelty and brutality present in that country) but I also can't turn a blind eye to the devastation. Some of the people of Haiti would welcome a FEMA trailer at this point...they have nothing and the prospect is grim.
That voodoo nation as you call it doesn’t need to be cast aside, forgotten and ignored. I don’t have the answers. I only know that we should all help where we see the need and if you see the greater need in the homeless man in Albany – that’s great. I applaud you for helping.
I take pride in the USA and it’s because we as a nation can reach out to the less fortunate…you are right our government is running amok but that’s a whole other conversation.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Did you take my advise?
I begged that if you wanted to donate money to Haiti - DON'T - find a charity or give to the people of New Orleans who some residents STILL live in FEMA trailers since our country doesn't care enough to help rebuild a tradition rich city.
Ten US citizens from a church group from Idaho who went to the devil worshiping Haiti to help children. They were trying to save 33 kids from that scumbag country. Now all ten are being held on Kidnapping charges. We send our money and our citizens to help this Voodoo nation and they want to put them in jail for 15 years.
Stay away from Haiti !! They are raping their own woman and children in the camps set up for living quarters. They are looting and killing their own to sell organs. Why would you help these people?
Give your money or your time to help people in the USA. Go work in a soup kitchen if you feel bad. Find a charity in New Orleans and donate to them - help rebuild our country since our own government won't.
Stop the insanity! Strengthen your own country first. There are plenty of kids to be adopted right here. There are people living in the streets in thousands of cities around the USA. Why does Haiti make you feel guilty and not the deprived underprivileged people right here in the United States? Instead of sending $10 to Haiti - I gave $20 to a homeless guy in Albany.
Take pride in the USA - someone has too since the government is running amok.
aunt debb said ...
I too find it ironic that Jude moves south and the snow moved with her. Kind of good for anyone wanting to hit a golf ball in February though, don't you think.
I second your best wishes to Maureen and Tony on the birth of Gianni and agree that Grammy is "plenty happy".
Hope your vacation in Myrtle Beach next month goes well ... and no snow!
Glad to see you're back writing here ... We missed you.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Funny - to me anyway ...
Been calling my own radar for years - being a golfer I trust my read of the radar, not any weather mens. Its worked very well. I once was waiting in the Clubhouse for the teeming rain to stop - looked at the radar and told Chuck it would stop at 9:20. And it did.
But was just looking at all the snow in Virginia. Jude moves 8 hours south and has 10 times as much snow as here in Saratoga. I am gonna hit golf balls out of the grass in the back yard today and she is getting blasted with snow. Crazy.
I need to swing with a Myrtle beach vacation coming sometime in March.
Best wishes to Maureen and Tony on the birth of their first child . I'm sure Mom is plenty happy now.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Uptowncharlybrown - Speaks!
Not really but even better is part owner of Charly in Fantasy Line Stables - Mr Bob Hutt.
I blogged earlier about Charly both here and left comments on Charly's blog too- to get to know him better. Stuff he does around the barn. Favorite treats. That kind of stuff. I said to "watch him fly" and it turns out he is owned by airline pilots amongst others. That's karma baby.
I also hoped the wouldn't use a Yellow school bus like the connections of Funny Cide did. That still rubs me the wrong way that Jack K took my advise and switched trainers to Mr Tagg - to which he said "Who?" - I guess he forgot my name because got ZERO credit when I was 100% responsible.
But I digress ...
Thanks Mr Hutt for such a thoughtful reply - the very best of luck to Uptowncharlybrown and Fantasy Line Stables.
Here are Mr Hutts comments -
Jack -
No Yellow School Bus for the partners of Fantasy Lane Stable. We have that one beat. LOL We have 3 Jumbo Jet Captains who are partners in FLS. We always joked if we ever made it to Churchill Downs that we were hijacking one of their Jets. We might even need two. Do you think Fidel will be happy to see us all afterward? Seriously if Charly takes us to the promise land can you imagine the fun we'll all have on that Jet? We hope you're there to join us. Charly is primed and ready. We heard him singing this morning "Put me in coach, I'm ready to play today..."
Wish us luck.

This is Uptowncharlybrown - he is now a 3 yr old colt pointing to the Kentucky Derby. He is stabled at Tampa Bay Downs. You might want to remember his name.
Charly will be running again in mid February. He actually has his own blog at - I ask them for pics of Charly and them put some up everyday!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Treat yourself

Everyone needs to treat themselves now and then. If you like chocolate - look for this so called 'candy bar' , it at your local grocery stores.
It is simply the best chocolate treat I've ever enjoyed. But only small bites are needed to savor the flavors and textures in this bad boy. I haven't tried the Dark Chocolate version - I haven't found the need!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
aunt debb said -
Hope everyone is having a good 2010 so far!!!
Friday, January 22, 2010
a golf joke with a NY attitude
A Catholic priest, a doctor, a rich businessman and an Italian Guy from New York were waiting one morning for a particularly slow group of golfers in front of them. The Italian Guy from New York fumed, 'What's with those jerks? We're waiting fifteen minutes between shots!' |
The doctor chimed in, 'I don't know, but I've never seen such poor golf!'
The rich businessman called out, 'Move it, time is money!'
The Catholic priest said, 'Here comes the greens keeper. Let's have a word with him. Excuse me, sir!' said the priest, 'What's wrong with that group ahead of us? They're rather slow, aren't they?'
The greens keeper replied, 'Oh, yes. That's a group of blind fire fighters. They lost their sight saving our clubhouse from a fire last year, so we always let them play for free anytime.'
The group fell silent for a moment.
The Catholic priest said, 'That's so sad. I think I will say a special prayer for them tonight.'
The doctor said, 'Good idea. I'm going to contact my ophthalmologist colleague and see if there's anything that he might be able to do for them.'
The rich businessman replied, 'I think I'll donate $50,000 to the fire fighters union in honor of these brave souls!'
The Italian guy from New York said, 'Why the F*ck can't they play at night?
what year is it?
I'd rather drink pond water than Schlitz beer - I have never had one in my life. I wonder what year it was brewed ? lol ...
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
mom said
We've been inundated with requests for aid, and I agree it is needed.
The press coverage too has been over done.
We all hesitate to say these things because it may be taken as uncaring or heartless... but it seems like every news person that is recognizable has flown to Port au Prince to cover the disaster.
I wondered--just how do the displaced in New Orleans feel watching this.
I shouldn't be focusing on New Orleans, because as you point out, poverty and homelessness here and around our own country is rampant.
The adoption issue is another sore point...and you are on target again, John. Every child living in an institution is underprivileged. And we have many right here at home.
It's very sad.
As you point out there are ways in which we all can make a difference right here if we're just open to the possibilities.
Thank you, John!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
I don't understand...
I really can't understand everyone's urge to donate to Haiti relief. Yes , I saw the earthquake. Yes I saw the devastation. How about the USA ? There are still people living in FEMA trailers in New Orleans because their lives were destroyed by Katrina. If you feel so bad about devastation , lets help our own country! Send them your money. Go help them rebuild their lives and strengthen the USA.
You can go to any mid - or large city and find homeless people living in the street. Is that what they wanted for their lives? Help them - give them your donation. Instead people look down at them.
There are kids in adoption everywhere in our country - but people feel the need to go outside of our country and adopt an ' under privileged' child. The kids in adoption agency's are 'under privileged' !!
We need to focus more time on fixing our own country and paying attention - our government is getting away with everything right under your noses. Go spend an hour at a soup kitchen if you want to donate something. Go through your closets and donate clothes and blankets you never use or where - I'm sure you know where a donation box is.
Do something that will affect your country in a positive way - don't just feel bad and donate $10 to Haiti relief and keep pretending that our country is just fine as is - it's not. We need to help ourselves since nobody is having a telethon for our homeless.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Mom said -
Standin On the Moon should be all yours now....I look forward to you musings, your humor, and your insights. You do have your own individual style that cannot be duplicated.
And a point about your first were right about Tiger all along."
Real Tiger Woods story pt 4
and RadarOnline are moving out pictures and furniture which was damaged during
their Thanksgiving Day argument - not because of Elin moving out. Yes, Elin has
retained a divorce attorney, but has not filed any papers. As of yesterday, she
had no intention of doing so.
Tiger has not made any public appearances or statements due to the surgery and
plastic surgery he had in PHX. It will be about another month if not more before
he gets in front of a camera. Yes, Tiger is hitting golf balls late at night at
Bay Hill out of their teaching center (which is equipped with lights). In
regards to Tiger's boat being in Palm Beach this week, along with Rachel; that
part is true. However, Tiger is not on the boat, is not in Palm Beach, and
Rachel is not on the boat. Her parents live 6 blocks from where the boat is, but
that is it.
That is as up to date as I have........"
Real Tiger Woods story pt 3
transported to the hospital in Orlando with Elin in the ambulance where they
were met by Mr. Steinberg. Tiger was taken in for X-Rays, etc. to assess the
damage. The doctors told Steinberg there was not much they could do to repair
the teeth and the gash, but did know a cosmetic dentist and plastic surgeon in
Phoenix who could make Tiger look as if nothing happened. Tiger told Steinberg
to get the jet ready and he and Steinberg flew to Phoenix to see the surgeon.
The resulting procedures were more intense than what everyone had expected which
meant Tiger was in PHX longer than expected. Tiger and Steinberg did not arrive
back in Orlando until either late last Wednesday night or early Thursday
Since arriving back in Orlando, Tiger and Elin have been in intense marriage
counseling sessions (up to 6 to 7 hours a day) every day! Both Tiger and Elin
have told the counselors they love each other, and want to make the marriage
work. The reports you are reading on TMZ and RadarOnline are about 30% accurate
at best according to Mark.
Tiger has not returned to his house at Isleworth since the day of the accident
except for the therapy sessions. IMG has enlisted the assistance of one of its
most recognized sports figures, and Tiger has taken up residence in his
neighborhood - Bay Hill. Because of the high regard in which Tiger holds him and
based on his public persona when he was at the height of his game, the person
IMG contacted was Arnold Palmer. He has agreed to intervene with Tiger. IMG is
convinced that if anyone can get through to Tiger, Mr. Palmer may be the only
person who can."
Real Tiger Woods story pt 2
story and denied everything. At one point Tiger turned away to look at the TV,
and as he turned back, Elin, enraged, hit him on the right side of the face with
the head of a 9 - iron. When she struck Tiger, she put a huge gash in the right
side of his face next to his nose (causing his nose to bruise some), virtually
knocked out two of his upper teeth, and broke the bone on the upper right side.
Tiger, scared as hell, ran down the hallway, out of the house to the garage
(explaining why he had on no shoes) followed by Elin swinging the golf club.
Tiger hopped into the Escalade and tried to leave. As we know Elin knocked out
the windows in the Escalade in the process as well as doing considerable damage
in the hallway.
When Tiger crashed, Elin panicked and was not sure what to tell the police
(which is why there are two conflicting stories from her). When this happened,
Elin immediately called Mark Steinberg to tell him what happened, and Mark told
Elin to tell him what hospital they were going to, and he would meet them there.
If you remember FHP kept showing up at Isleworth to talk to Tiger, and was told
by another FL attorney, hired by Tiger for PR reasons, that Tiger was not ready
to talk. This is why."
Real Tiger Woods story pt 1

gossip -
As you all know Tiger's agent is Mark Steinberg. I have a Member who lives 10
houses down from Tiger in Isleworth. My Member plays golf with and is a good
friend of an IMG insider who got the following information directly from
Steinberg and related it to me. I was told that the following is up to date as
of yesterday.
On Thanksgiving Day, after he and Elin and the family had Turkey Dinner, Tiger
spent the rest of the afternoon on the couch watching football and texting
Rachel. After he received and sent text message back and forth to Rachel, he
would clear his message box to destroy the evidence. At some point during the
afternoon texting session, one of Tiger's Orlando buds called him to see if he
wanted to get together at the Clubhouse to play poker with the guys. Tiger
agreed and left the house around 7:30 to go play poker. He left behind his cell
phone....and one message he had forgot to delete from Rachel.
When Tiger returned home around 11:30 -12 that night, Elin confronted him about
the text message she had found on his phone. A heated discussion ensued.
According to what I was told, there was more 'incriminating evidence' than just
the text message (i.e. photos). Tiger told Elin that she was reading too much in
to it, and that she did not know the whole story. Tiger went upstairs to change
into his gym shorts and t-shirt, came back downstairs were Elin confronted him,
again. Tiger gave her the same story as before and sat down in a chair in the
living room."
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Jude said ..
Mom passed the photo to me - she deserves the credit ....
Thursday, December 17, 2009
mom said
My blog will give voice to my thoughts and ideas at this special time of my a grandmother....with a focus on documenting this year as I look forward to celebrating my seventh decade in 2010. It's difficult to think of my 70th birthday when I still feel 40...but it's better than the other way around, I guess!
I do love reading all of our family blogs....blogs of all kinds and keep them coming! They are treasures!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Aunt Di said ..
Bruce - the love of my life is my rock.
AJ and Bryan - / Michele and John - bring me joy every day
Sisters - you are all gems
Extended Family - enrich my life
Friends - couldn't ask for better
Health - Thank God I am healthy.
Love to all of you.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Mom said ..
I thought maybe we could replicate, in a small way, one of my favorite TV families--The Waltons. I'm sure I remember them all sitting around their Thanksgiving table, taking turns, and sharing their blessings with each other.
K....I'll go first.
I am most thankful for my family and extended family. The older I get, the more I realize it's all about the love.
I'll start at the top of my list of blessings--my children. Jude, John and Maureen. You are the jewels in my mother's ring....You give my life meaning and direction. You all make me laugh, cry, worry, but most of all, you make me proud. Proud of you...and proud to be your mother. Bill and Tony---because you bring joy to Jude and Maureen, you bring me joy.
Ellie and my soon to be born grandson are the diamonds that surround the jewels in my mother's ring. Ellie brings more sparkle into my life than I could ever could have imagined.
Blessings abound as I think about my sisters. My life is full of love and laughter because Kathy, Ellen, Diane and Debb are my sisters. I am, without question, enriched by them and by Larry, Gary, Bruce and Bernie....and by their children and grandchildren. I smile as I think of each of them.
My prayer is one of gratitude for one and all of the above. Amen.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Interesting study
Studies have shown that people who were stressed during childhood have an increased risk of depression as adults.
Stress at a young age permanently alters a key gene in the brain, resulting in a lifetime of elevated levels of a hormone that contributes to depression according to a study in the journal Natural Neuroscience ...
Did I mention I volunteered for a study ? LoL ... Actually was just flipping through this months Natural Neuroscience and saw it waiting for the bus ... LoL ...
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Mom said ..
The flights were great yesterday. Met some really nice gals on the way to Baltimore. Then I enjoyed fried shrimp and crab cakes while I waited for my connection on into Houston.
Stood in line there with a couple from Clifton Park who were also on their way to Houston. Chatted a little, then agreed to meet sometime soon at Bellini's in Clifton Park.
The chauffer driver, otherwise known to us as "Bruce", picked me up at the airport and wisked me (and Di) away to a wonderful, old authentic Mexican restaurant -- "Mama Ninfa's". It would be comperable to our "Hattie's" in Saratoga. Just delicious....and one of my favorite stops when I'm here.
Did the normal unpacking this morning, getting settled in. And I took a nice walk in the 75 degree sunshine. Nice breeze too.
I was anxious to check my emails to see how Ellie is doing...she's been under the weather with the suspicion of her fighting the flu. Happy to hear she's doing okay. I'll talk to her later.
Also checked back with Maureen. Bailey, their big black lab-mix, is not doing well. He probably won't be with them much longer; I know it hurts to see him in distress.
I will get on with my vacation; it will go all too fast.
Tonight we're having Diane's birthday dinner at Cedar Landing on Lake Houston with a friend or two.
I'll keep you updated. Tell me what's happening in your corner of the world?
Monday, October 26, 2009
Jude says..
P.S. It's on now still !!
Cake Boss on TLC
Did I get sucked in today. I've been watching these commercials for Cake Boss on TLC about a family bakery. So at first i swore at them. Who buys those silly stupid cakes ? I guess every Italian in Hoboken , NJ.
Today i got sucked in. I've been watching for 3 hours now. The only thing missing is someone crying. I've done lots of cake work in school when I was doing Culinary Olympics for Baking & Cake Decorating. But i never had a screw gun involved. They have 10 people on the decorating team. They are now making a cake that spits fire.
The season premiere is on tonight at 10pm - it grows on you quickly ...
Aunt Di says...
Friday, October 23, 2009
Mom said ..
As I passed the track yesterday, I thought, "Now that looks just like John's picture on Standin on the Moon!" These pretty days, I'm afraid, are coming to an end. Today sure is a turnaround from yesterday's low 70's.
Speaking of the track, I find that I look back and see that the end of the track left me feeling a bit empty. I didn't get to the track at all, but I was very busy and active for that spell of time. Then, the bottom fell out.
Funny how one reacts to a change in routine. (Makes me wonder how my father dealt with working shiftwork. Not too well sometimes I witnessed.)
I've been 'out of sorts' for weeks. I had a wonderful couple of days on the Cape but the effect didn't last. I hated leaving the Cape. Nothing exciting was going on in my world here, and nothing in the immediate future either.
Once I recognized how I was feeling (and it was crappy), I mean put a name on it, I began to make peace with it....realizing that it too has a purpose.
At the same time I knew I could change my frame of mind by 'making plans'....and so I have.
On Monday 11/9, I'm flying to Houston for a week of pampering. I'm going to a small B&B in Crosby. The accommodations can't be beat; the food is great whether dining in or out; a spa just steps away from my room and the innkeeper is one of the finest. I've heard her referred to as 'the hostess with the mostest'.
Once I return it will be time to plan Thanksgiving dinner. Our blessings this year will be counted around a smaller table we will have only John, Maureen and Tony but I may set the highchair up to the table as a reminder of one more blessing yet to come.
If all goes well, the following day Charlie and I are planning to drive to Charlottesville VA to spend a few days with Jude, Bill and Ellie to celebrate Thanksgiving with them. I'm needing a big hug from one little girl.
After that we'll see what plans I can make to help move through this winter..... 'cause I can't wait until January.
I know we've all been a little on the silent to know what's going on in your world if your reading this.