Friday, February 5, 2010

Did you take my advise?

Did ya ?

I begged that if you wanted to donate money to Haiti - DON'T - find a charity or give to the people of New Orleans who some residents STILL live in FEMA trailers since our country doesn't care enough to help rebuild a tradition rich city.

Ten US citizens from a church group from Idaho who went to the devil worshiping Haiti to help children. They were trying to save 33 kids from that scumbag country. Now all ten are being held on Kidnapping charges. We send our money and our citizens to help this Voodoo nation and they want to put them in jail for 15 years.

Stay away from Haiti !! They are raping their own woman and children in the camps set up for living quarters. They are looting and killing their own to sell organs. Why would you help these people?


Give your money or your time to help people in the USA. Go work in a soup kitchen if you feel bad. Find a charity in New Orleans and donate to them - help rebuild our country since our own government won't.

Stop the insanity! Strengthen your own country first. There are plenty of kids to be adopted right here. There are people living in the streets in thousands of cities around the USA. Why does Haiti make you feel guilty and not the deprived underprivileged people right here in the United States? Instead of sending $10 to Haiti - I gave $20 to a homeless guy in Albany.

Take pride in the USA - someone has too since the government is running amok.

1 comment:

Deborah said...

I hear you, John, but I believe that we all need to be the Stewards of Compassion no matter where we see the need. I don't feel guilty about Haiti - I feel proud that we, Americans, can reach beyond our borders to help others. Yes, we have lots of areas in the USA that need help and we always will. I've donated money, products, time, love and support to charities here in the states and around the world that need my help and I'm just grateful that I'm in a position to be able to help.

The world isn't perfect, we can only try to do our best, help when and however we can, and try not to exclude any area because we don't like the way they do things. I'm not turning a blind eye to the travesties of Haiti (the cruelty and brutality present in that country) but I also can't turn a blind eye to the devastation. Some of the people of Haiti would welcome a FEMA trailer at this point...they have nothing and the prospect is grim.

That voodoo nation as you call it doesn’t need to be cast aside, forgotten and ignored. I don’t have the answers. I only know that we should all help where we see the need and if you see the greater need in the homeless man in Albany – that’s great. I applaud you for helping.

I take pride in the USA and it’s because we as a nation can reach out to the less fortunate…you are right our government is running amok but that’s a whole other conversation.